Trash & Junk Removal
Shed the clutter and regain your space with our effective trash and junk removal services. We ensure all waste is removed swiftly and disposed of safely to keep your environment clean and serene.
Shed the clutter and regain your space with our effective trash and junk removal services. We ensure all waste is removed swiftly and disposed of safely to keep your environment clean and serene.
Take control and transform your space with our comprehensive demolition services, handling both the gritty interior and stubborn exterior, removing junk and debris that stands in your way. Discover your property's potential today.
Invigorate your space with our diverse cleaning services, tackling everything from daily maintenance to post-construction cleanup and more. Cherish the refreshing feel of a spotless atmosphere.
Give your exteriors the gentle care they deserve with our meticulous cleaning services, targeting the neglected corners of your gutters, sparkling up windows, and more. Experience an impactful exterior makeover today.
Revive your property's charm with our complete pressure washing services, effortlessly purging dirt from driveways, giving a fresh look to house exteriors, deck cleaning, and more. Uplift the aesthetic appeal of your spaces.
Smooth your transition journey with our exhaustive move in/out services. We offer a thorough deep cleaning as well as furniture moving services to ease your transition. Enjoy your new beginning in a new space!
At JM Clean Care, we believe in providing exceptional services and putting our heart into our work. Here’s why you should choose us:
We offer interior and exterior cleaning services, interior and exterior demolition, pressure washing, trash and junk removal, as well as moving and post construction cleaning services. You name it, we clean it.
We have years of experience and training in every type of cleaning service, specializing in trash removal and demolition, as well as post construction, residential, commercial cleaning–we’ve seen it all. Give us your hardest project–we’ve got it covered.
Your satisfaction is our main priority. We work on every job like we would in our own home or business, and we don’t consider a job finished until you’re satisfied. Find out for yourself why our clients refer us to friends and family!
Getting started with JM Clean Care is easy. Here’s what you can expect:
Once you’ve scheduled your estimate, we’ll visit your space in person to provide a comprehensive assessment and detailed estimation of the services you need.
Finally, all you need to do is schedule the service. Once done, sit back, relax, and await your impeccably clean and well-organized space!
Great company, JM Clean Care has done gutter cleaning, construction cleaning, window cleaning & housekeeping for my personal home and construction projects and I have always been very pleased with their work.
Jefrry the owner is an amazing guy. He is so helpful and loves his job. He did the gutters for me and took the time to leave them clean and perfect!!! Definitely the guy to call. You won’t regret it.
JM Clean Care cleaned our windows and gutters and they did a great job for a great price! We will definitely be using their services again!
These guys were awesome—came out the same day for a quote, and when I was happy with the price, they were prepared to do the job on the spot. So much easier than having to wait for another appointment. I’ll use them every season for pressure washing!
JM Clean Care is a family-owned cleaning company founded in 2018 by Yeimy and Jefrry Marin. Both Yeimy and Jefrry have extensive experience in the cleaning business, having worked as a family in various cleaning companies before starting their own. Since then, their family-run business has been providing exceptional services to clients throughout Georgia. At JM Clean Care, we take pride in what we do and put our heart into every job. Give us a call to experience the difference for yourself!
Take a look at our work and see the difference we can make for yourself! No matter the job, we bring plenty of expertise and our best work–every time.
Discover the difference with JM Clean Care, Georgia’s trusted provider of comprehensive demolition, cleaning, and moving services for residential and commercial clients. Schedule an estimate and experience our top-quality solutions today!